《Burning》是Maria Arredondo所演唱专辑《Not Going Under》中的一首单曲,这首歌背后的故事是一段恋人的故事,男人是个追求自由讨厌束缚的人,因此他觉得爱情对于他而言没有自由那么重要,因此他们分开了.然而女人依然深爱着他,每晚想念着他,怀念和他在一起的时光(甚至在他离开后,他的触摸的感觉仍旧留在皮肤上,仿佛要炽热燃烧一般).她用歌声表达了对恋人的呼唤,如果重来,不会让他走,如果有障碍,有决心粉碎一切,哪怕他是一块岩石,也愿意在上面撞个粉碎
你问的这首歌叫 《燃烧》(Burning),
由挪威歌手 玛丽亚 亚瑞唐多(Maria Arredondo)所唱,她的嗓子非常好,性感但不做作,有力但不炫耀,明亮但不过分照人。她的低音很沉,很女人但是又很自立.
passion is sweet
love makes weak
you said you cherished freedom so
you refuse to let it go
follow your fate
love and hate
never fail to seize the day
but dont give yourself away .
oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of
my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against
trapped in a crowd
the music is loud
i said i love my freedom to
now i'm not sure i do
all eyes on you
rings so true
better quit while you're ahead
now i'm not so sure i am
oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of
my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against
my soul my heart
if you're near if you're far
my life my love
you can have it all....ooohaaaah.
coal-burning英 ['kəʊlb'ɜːnɪŋ] 美 ['kəʊlb'ɜːnɪŋ] adj.燃煤的
Q1: 《Burning Maria Arredondo》这部动画片是讲什么的呀?
A1: 哎呀,这部动画片超酷的!主要是围绕一个充满激情和冒险的故事展开的,里面的角色都非常有个性,主题曲《Burning》真的是燃爆了,Maria Arredondo的嗓音太赞了,一听就让人热血沸腾!
Q2: 主题曲《Burning》在动画片里起到了什么作用?
A2: 哎哟,这主题曲可是灵魂啊!每次剧情到高潮部分,这首歌一响起来,瞬间感觉主角们战斗力爆表!它不仅烘托了气氛,还把角色的内心情感表现得淋漓尽致,简直是推动剧情的神器!
Q3: Maria Arredondo是谁啊?她为什么能唱这部动画片主题曲?
A3: Maria Arredondo可是挪威的超人气歌手哦!她的声音特别有感染力,唱功一流,选她来唱《Burning》真的再合适不过了,她的演绎让这首歌和动画片完美融合,听一遍就让人忘不了!
Q4: 《Burning Maria Arredondo》这部动画片适合什么年龄段的人看?
A4: 哈哈,这部动画片老少皆宜!虽然剧情有点紧张刺激,但整体还是很正能量的,小朋友看了能学到勇敢和坚持,大人看了也会被那种热血沸腾的感觉打动,真的是全家一起看的好选择!
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本文概览:主题曲是burning的动画片埃及王子《Burning》是Maria Arredondo所演唱专辑《Not Going Under》中的一首单曲,这首歌背后的故事是一段恋人的故...